2025, 36th Edition Z-Tool System Manual


The Z-Tool System Manual is researched and updated each year to include newly introduced makes and models so that you can always be prepared for any lockout situation.
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This year’s Z-Tool® System Manual includes new cars and redesigns for 2025. In addition to the new designs, we also researched comments received from customers regarding openings in last year’s Manual which resulted in several improvements and modifications. 

We welcome your comments and feedback throughout the year. It helps us refine openings and generally improve the utility of the Z-Tool System Manual. 

At 53 inches, our long reach tools continue to be the best on the market. We source only the highest quality steel for their construction which allows our long reach tools to maintain their tensile strength throughout the entire length of the tool. The “Big Reach” Tool  is used for framed windows and the “Dual Reach” Tool  is used for frameless windows. And I can’t stress how important it is to have at least 2 Air Wedges in your toolbox. 

With more electric cars on the road, auto lockout professionals must stay up to date on how many of these cars are equipped with manual by-pass levers. The 2025 System Manual includes openings for nearly every new electric car. A handful were simply not available at time of publication.